Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We made little bunny baskets for our bunny biscuit and our decorated eggs.When we shook our eggs they made a noise.We wonder what might be inside.Maybe Easter Bunny has been to visit. We ate our little biscuits. They were YUMMY!!Happy Easter

We made these delicious bunny biscuits for easter.We made big bunnies as well and put pink icing and chocolate pebbles for the eyes and nose.We made enough little bunnies for all the children in Room 1 and they put on their bunny ears and tails and came and sang "Mrs Bunny" to say thank you.

Monday, March 17, 2008

We made sketches of our head and shoulders. Mrs Paterson made them bigger on the photocopier.
We used water colour paints to paint our faces first. Then when it was dry we painted our clothes, hair and finally we painted the background using warm and cool colours. We are very proud of our paintings. What do you think?
BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Practice your alphabet with this powerpoint. Click on the letter and then the arrow below. Say each letter as you do it. Good Luck

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mrs Paterson brought some lovely red apples to school. We talked about how they looked, felt, sounded and tasted.
We thought of lots of great Describing words.
Come in and look at what we wrote. We are going to make our work into a big book.

Today we went to the "Crunch and Munch" show. We learnt about eating all the food colours to keep us healthy, strong and to give us energy!
We had lots of fun helping tell the story and singing the "Crunch and Munch" song.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I was worried about floating but I liked going
round and round. Fergus
I was relaxed when I floated on my back. Joshua
I was excited when I floated by myself. Jone
This morning we put on our red thinking hat and talked about how we felt when we got to the stadium yesterday. We used words like nervous, scared, excited,worried, happy, frightened.

When we looked at the photos we realised that if we "have a go" like our poem and big book told us, we would feel better about things.

Have a go!

and have a go!
That's how you learn,
said Mr Know.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Today was our first day of Fundamental Skills at Stadium 2000. After a warm up we lined up in our teams ready to go to our first rotation. We had swimming lessons, Water Safety, Circuit Training, Dodgeball, Indoor hockey and basketball. At lunchtime we all sat together and talked about all the cool things we had done before going on to our next 3 rotations. Our teachers think we will sleep well tonight. They certainly will!!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

We have been learning about what we need to be Happy.We found out that we need Love, Freedom ( making our own choices), Power (knowing that we are important and that we are all good at something) and Fun.

We made spiders after hearing stories about Ananse. He was wise and clever. We are clever too. We added one of the things we were good at to our spiders.They are hanging from a web that appeared in our classroom one morning.