Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Today we planted our sunflowers in our Butterfly Garden.We hope that it will be sunny enough that they will grow tall and strong.

Jack's beanstalk

We have been listening and acting out stories. We really loved Jack and the Beanstalk so we planted our own beans from seeds that Mrs Hepburn had collected from last years bean crop in the school garden. Only 2 didn't grow, so we will plant some new ones for those children and see who's grows fastest. Today we compared who had the tallest, shortest. Even though they were all planted on the same day, they all grew differently, just like the children in Room 2.We have taken them home to grow in our gardens.

"Have a go"athletics day. November 6th 2015

We had a lovely day at school while the older children were at the rural athletics. Lots of parents came to watch ups, run, jump and throw. Here are some photos of us doing the long jump and the high jump.

Monday, November 02, 2015