Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We played "Fly swat" with our alphabet mat. We had to hit the letter that made the sound Mrs Paterson made. We were very good at it and she couldn't trick us.
Mrs Paterson is very proud of us for working so hard on learning to read and write lots of words. Some of us have doubled the words we know in the last 2 weeks! WOW!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

T-Ball with our Big Buddies.

We have been learning about the "Days of the week "and now we are learning the "Months of the Year". Mrs Paterson found a website with a great game for us to use to give us lots of practice. We can practice it at home. It is in the maths links section of our Blog.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Levi's mum took these great videos at the stadium last week. The children really enjoyed the warm up song each day. I am sure most of the adults felt tired just watching. The videos of the children floating on their fronts and backs show just how far some of the children have come in just 4 days.
Come along to the swimming sports tomorrow night so your children can show you what they have learnt.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just before swimming each day we do exercise to music and we finish with some quiet relaxing music. Today we were in the exercise studio and we did aerobics just like some of our mums do.
Today we played "Duck, duck, goose" with Fiona at Futsal. We had to balance on the balls until it was our turn to chase someone. Poor Fiona got chased by lots of people. She will be exhausted tonight.
We had to learn how to save ourselves if the boat we were in, tipped over.We had to dig in and doggy paddle to a safe place at the side of the pool.
See how beautifully Hannah can float on her back.
Well done Hannah
Every day we begin Fundamental skills with a warm up session with all of the instructors.This is a little bit of the song we dance to.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

At water Safety we are learning how to keep ourselves afloat and how to to get in and out of the pool safely. We are also learning what to do if we fall in. We practice by walking on a big mattress then we jump in. Some of us don't even need a hand to get to the side after jumping.This is Group 2 . See how brave they are.
Today everyone was so confident with their swimming and water safety. Well done. I was so proud of you for "Keeping on trying". Now some of you can actually say, "I can do it."
I took some videos of Jamie, Harry and Ben D in Group 2 today.See how clever they are at lying back on their cushions.

Day 2 of Fundamental Skills

Monday, March 09, 2009

The first day of Fundamental Skills:
What was it like ? What did we do? How did we feel?

We went down the ladder and we had to climb back up to the side and then we slippery snaked back in. Emily Kate

I got a frisbee for doing good stuff. It was all so easy. Levi
I did basketball. It was cool.You had to bounce it and try and throw it in the basket. It didn't work. Harry
I can touch the bottom in the deep pool.We did slippery snakes into the pool. Then we did monkeys. Emily
We did dodgeball. I did good swimming and was a good leader. I won a frisbee . Hannah.
I liked playing follow the leader. Ben was the leader and then the big person was the leader next.We had to copy Ben. Michael
I liked dodgeball. You had to throw the ball at each other.The life saving was the best. Ruby
I had fun swimming. I put my head under. Jamie
I had fun slithering in the water and ducking my whole body under the water. Alice
I went into the big pool and it was over my mouth so I had to stand on a trampoline. I wasn't scared. Jonty
I got a frisbee because I did a good job. I also cheated and went in the water when it wasn't my turn. Ben
I was a good sport and I got an awesome blue frisbee and I held on to the wall because we went down the deep end. Jackson

Our Wonderful Self Portraits

Friday, March 06, 2009

Buddy time with Room 9

We had a great time at buddy time today. Our buddies got out the parachute and we had to pump all the air under it so it went up high. We bounced a ball in it and we played a game. When our number was called we had to run under the parachute and get back out before it came down. At the end we all sat under it and it was like being inside a big tent. Thank you Claudia and Courtney for organising it.

By the way the sausages at your sausage sizzle were delicious. Have a great camp next week.

We have been learning about the days of the week. We read a funny story about Miss Pool. She is a teacher and her car broke down. Each day she came to school in a very different, strange way. Ask the children about it. We had some cool cars with all the days on them and we had to put them all in the correct order.

It has been great watching the children get so interested in making words. Every morning a group of children , that is growing fast, have been busy making and writing words. It has been especially good to see the children involving their mums in what they are doing. Thanks for taking the extra time in the mornings to share your child's learning.
This morning we did a 10 minute wordblast ( until now we have only done 5). All the children set themselves a goal of a certain amount of words. EVERY child met or exceeded their goal WOW! GREAT WORK. Have a look at their wordblast books next time you are at school.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

We are learning to make lots of words starting with our "Words of the Week". These are some of the ways we learn new words.

Making words

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Healthy Food

We have been talking about what keeps us healthy. We came up with lots of things.
Fruit , vegetables, fresh air, enough sleep and exercise.
We will need to think about some of these to help us cope with Fundamental Skills next week.
Eating healthy food , getting enough sleep and fresh air will help us cope with all the exercise we will be doing.

Yesterday we talked about our favourite fruits and veges. Then we looked in the school gardens to see what was growing there.
Today we sorted felt pictures into fruits and vegetables. We weren't sure if an avacado is a fruit or a vegetable. The class couldn't decide so have gone home to see if they can find out. Watch this space...