Friday, November 27, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today was our first day of clubs. There were so many different things going on around the school including kite making, animal care, chocolate making, picture frames, electricity, pirates etc.
We had a great time. These are some of the things we did.

We did electric stuff with bulbs. Riley
I put papermache on my boot. I got it all covered. Ben R
We put pasta on the picture frames. Alice
I papermached my boot. Now it is all white. Eric
We made pirate hats and we painted pirate swords. Jamie
I liked the picture frames. I wrote Santa on mine. Jonty
We got pirate books with pirate talk in them. Dylan
We made kiwis. First we started with cardboard and we are making it into a pompom. Levi
There were mazes in the pirate book and you could colour in a pirate. Ben W
I put papermache on a flowerpot. Ruby
We got to find treasure. We found our name tags and we caught Mr Brell. Conal
We did music and we made koala bears. You can bend the arms and put them on the christmas tree. Hannah
I liked making the koala bears. Emily
We made dip and we got to eat it. I liked it. Brianna
We made hummus and we dipped crackers in. Jackson
We looked at these sprouts and they look like seeds. We put hummus on crackers. Harry

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today Room 2 ran the whole school assembly. I was so proud of how well you did. You were fantastic. To think we only started practising this morning. It was lovely to see so many parents and a Nana, there to support you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Below are our amazing takahe pictures. Wouldn't they look great as stamps to put on our mail. Pop into Mitre 10 in the next few days and have a look at them all up on the wall with the other competition entries.