Saturday, August 22, 2009

We have been learning to write descriptions. We made this slideshow called "Who am I?" Can you guess who we are?
Who am I? on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Army Band Concert on PhotoPeach

Monday, August 03, 2009

Today we re-did our reading charts. They have all the activities we do a reading time to help us get better with our reading and writing. This new slideshow shows some of them. The children can tell you about their favourite ones.

Arts Interchange: Drama with Mrs Craig

Today we had drama with Mrs Craig.

We played a lying game. Some did an action with no sounds and when the person came back in and asked what we were doing, we had to tell them we were doing something else.
We pretended to be animals. We couldn't talk, we just had to do actions.
We got cards with pictures on and we had to make sound and find the other person with the same sounds.
We had lots of fun.