Sunday, June 26, 2011

Click on the kite and sing along to "Let's go fly a kite".

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Click on this picture to try these games about being Sneeze safe.

Today we were set a challenge... to rid our class of Nasty Cold BUGS!

We learnt how germs spread through the air when we sneeze and when we cough into our hands, we can spread our germs to others. We learnt how to use a tissue. If a sneeze or cough came on suddenly we learnt to use our elbow. We should always bin our tissue after use and wash our hands with soap. A reporter from the Marlborough Express came and took photos of us. Look out for us in the paper.

Ask us about what we have learnt. Hopefully it will help us keep healthy at school.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today was Global Wind Day. Mrs Robinson gave us some little wind mills and it was so windy that some of them blew away. It was hard to work out which way the wind was blowing as it kept changing direction.

Our big friends from Room 10 make lovely books for all the Room 2 children to help them remember their first few months at Riverlands School. Today Hayden received his special book.
I hope you will enjoy looking back at your special book in years to come Hayden.

Yesterday we let go a beautiful monarch butterfly that had hatched in our classroom. We were really surprised to find another butterfly had hatched during the day. Because it has been so cold, the butterflies took a lot longer to hatch than normal so we were very excited.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today we had fun learning basketball skills with Mike Fitchett. Mike is a player in the Nelson Giants. We had lots of fun learning all sorts of things we can do with a basketball. Some of us were really good.

Friday, June 03, 2011

We had a wonderful Harvest Festival today to celebrate Arbor Day which is early next week. We made 2 different types of muffins using things harvested from our orchard. We made Feijoa, walnut and sultana muffins and Feijoa muffins. They all sold out quickly. Thanks to Mrs Boon for helping us make and bake our delicious muffins. There were lots of fun things to do and different things to taste. We raised over $300 to go towards new plants for our Edible Garden. Well done everyone.

Today Rylie, Emire and Blake came for their first school visit. They were lucky that Friday is PuMP day. We had lots of fun.

Thursday, June 02, 2011