Monday, March 09, 2009

The first day of Fundamental Skills:
What was it like ? What did we do? How did we feel?

We went down the ladder and we had to climb back up to the side and then we slippery snaked back in. Emily Kate

I got a frisbee for doing good stuff. It was all so easy. Levi
I did basketball. It was cool.You had to bounce it and try and throw it in the basket. It didn't work. Harry
I can touch the bottom in the deep pool.We did slippery snakes into the pool. Then we did monkeys. Emily
We did dodgeball. I did good swimming and was a good leader. I won a frisbee . Hannah.
I liked playing follow the leader. Ben was the leader and then the big person was the leader next.We had to copy Ben. Michael
I liked dodgeball. You had to throw the ball at each other.The life saving was the best. Ruby
I had fun swimming. I put my head under. Jamie
I had fun slithering in the water and ducking my whole body under the water. Alice
I went into the big pool and it was over my mouth so I had to stand on a trampoline. I wasn't scared. Jonty
I got a frisbee because I did a good job. I also cheated and went in the water when it wasn't my turn. Ben
I was a good sport and I got an awesome blue frisbee and I held on to the wall because we went down the deep end. Jackson

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