Friday, August 29, 2008

We put on our" thinking hats" to talk about our Flax work with Mr McCloy. 
Black: What was wrong with this?
Yellow: What are the good things?
Red: What do I feel?
Green: What new ideas are possible?

It was a little bit hard folding the flax over the middle. Daryan
It was hard on my hands scraping it. Fergus
It was very hard and it hurt my hand. Micahla
It was hard to get the flax off. Blake
I found it quite hard to scrape the flax off but mum showed me what to do. Jack
It was hard to scrape the shell on the flax. Lily
It was quite hard to scrape the stuff off. Ruby
It was good having mum there to help. Harry
It was easy to scrape the flax off. Hadley
It was good that Hadley's mum helped me. Michael
I felt good when I scraped the flax. Aramac
It was hard plaiting so I made up my own way. Shannara

1 comment:

Jo's Apples said...

I think that your flax making looked really hard to do. When I came in this morning it was really awesome to see all the Thomas Tank Engine Books and Bratz magazines. Lucky things!

P.S. Hi Ferg!